A Convenient Way to Observe Navigation in Flutter with Go_Router
Image by Bonnibell - hkhazo.biz.id

A Convenient Way to Observe Navigation in Flutter with Go_Router

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As a Flutter developer, you’re probably no stranger to the concept of navigation. After all, it’s a crucial aspect of building a user-friendly and intuitive mobile app. However, observing navigation in Flutter can be a bit of a challenge, especially when it comes to debugging and testing. That’s where go_router comes in – a popular and highly-regarded routing package for Flutter that makes navigation a breeze. In this article, we’ll explore the convenient way to observe navigation in Flutter with go_router, so buckle up and let’s dive in!

What is Go_Router?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of observing navigation with go_router, let’s take a step back and talk about what go_router is and why it’s such a popular choice among Flutter developers. Go_router is a routing package for Flutter that provides a simple and intuitive way to navigate between screens. It’s designed to be highly customizable and flexible, making it easy to adapt to your specific app needs.

With go_router, you can define routes using a simple and expressive syntax, and then use those routes to navigate between screens. It’s as easy as calling the `GoRouter` constructor and passing in a list of routes. For example:

  title: 'My App',
  home: HomeScreen(),
  routerDelegate: GoRouterDelegate(
    routes: [
        path: '/',
        builder: (context, state) => HomeScreen(),
        path: '/details',
        builder: (context, state) => DetailsScreen(),

Why Do We Need to Observe Navigation?

So, why do we need to observe navigation in the first place? Well, there are several reasons why observing navigation is important:

  • Debugging and testing**: By observing navigation, you can see exactly how your app is navigating between screens, which makes it easier to debug and test your app.
  • Analytics and tracking**: Observing navigation allows you to track user behavior and analyze how users are interacting with your app, which can be incredibly valuable for businesses and developers alike.
  • Accessibility**: Observing navigation is essential for ensuring that your app is accessible to users with disabilities, as it allows you to see how users are navigating your app and identify any potential accessibility issues.

How to Observe Navigation with Go_Router

Now that we’ve covered the why, let’s talk about the how. Observing navigation with go_router is surprisingly easy, and there are several ways to do it. Here are a few approaches:

Method 1: Using the `GoRouterDelegate`

One way to observe navigation with go_router is to use the `GoRouterDelegate` class. This class provides a simple way to listen to navigation events, such as when a route is pushed or popped. Here’s an example:

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'My App',
      home: HomeScreen(),
      routerDelegate: GoRouterDelegate(
        routes: [
          // Define your routes here
        // Listen to navigation events
        onGenerateRoute: (settings) {
          print('Generated route: ${settings.name}');
        onUnknownRoute: (settings) {
          print('Unknown route: ${settings.name}');

Method 2: Using a Navigation Observer

Another way to observe navigation with go_router is to use a navigation observer. A navigation observer is a class that listens to navigation events and provides a way to react to those events. Here’s an example:

class NavigationObserver extends RouteObserver> {
  void didPush(Route route, Route? previousRoute) {
    print('Pushed route: ${route.settings.name}');

  void didPop(Route route, Route? previousRoute) {
    print('Popped route: ${route.settings.name}');

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'My App',
      home: HomeScreen(),
      navigatorObservers: [

Method 3: Using a Custom RouterDelegate

A third way to observe navigation with go_router is to create a custom router delegate. This approach provides the most flexibility and customization, but it requires a bit more work. Here’s an example:

class CustomRouterDelegate extends GoRouterDelegate {
  Future didChangeAppSettingsstate() async {
    print('App settings changed');

  Future didPopRoute(Route route) async {
    print('Popped route: ${route.settings.name}');

  Future didPushRoute(Route route) async {
    print('Pushed route: ${route.settings.name}');

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'My App',
      home: HomeScreen(),
      routerDelegate: CustomRouterDelegate(),

Best Practices for Observing Navigation

Now that we’ve covered the how, let’s talk about some best practices for observing navigation with go_router:

  1. Keep it simple**: Don’t overcomplicate your navigation observation logic. Keep it simple and focused on the specific events you need to track.
  2. Use the right tool for the job**: Choose the right method for observing navigation based on your specific needs. If you need to track specific navigation events, use the `GoRouterDelegate`. If you need more flexibility, use a navigation observer or custom router delegate.
  3. Test thoroughly**: Make sure to test your navigation observation logic thoroughly to ensure that it’s working as expected.
  4. Don’t overdo it**: Don’t overdo it with navigation observation. Too much logging or tracking can slow down your app and make it harder to debug.


And there you have it – a convenient way to observe navigation in Flutter with go_router. By following the methods and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be able to track and analyze your app’s navigation flow with ease. Remember to keep it simple, use the right tool for the job, test thoroughly, and don’t overdo it. Happy coding!

Method Description
Using the `GoRouterDelegate` Listen to navigation events using the `GoRouterDelegate` class.
Using a Navigation Observer Create a navigation observer class to listen to navigation events.
Using a Custom RouterDelegate Create a custom router delegate to listen to navigation events and provide custom behavior.

Which method will you choose? Let us know in the comments!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to navigate your Flutter app with ease using go_router! But first, let’s answer some burning questions about observing navigation in Flutter.

Q: What is the best way to observe navigation in a Flutter app using go_router?

You can use the `RouterDelegate` class to observe navigation in your Flutter app. Simply wrap your `MaterialApp` or `CupertinoApp` with the `RouterDelegate` and override the `didPush` and `didPop` methods to observe navigation events.

Q: Can I use a Riverpod provider to observe navigation?

Yes, you can! By creating a Riverpod provider that wraps the `RouterDelegate`, you can easily observe navigation events throughout your app. This approach allows you to decouple your navigation logic from your widgets.

Q: How do I observe navigation in a specific part of my app?

You can use the `RouterScope` class to observe navigation events within a specific scope of your app. Simply wrap the widgets that you want to observe with the `RouterScope` and use the `RouterScopeObserver` to listen to navigation events.

Q: Can I observe navigation using a callback function?

Yes, you can! By providing a callback function to the `RouterDelegate`, you can observe navigation events and react to them as needed. This approach is useful when you need to perform a specific action in response to a navigation event.

Q: Are there any third-party packages that can help me observe navigation?

Yes, there are several third-party packages available that can help you observe navigation in your Flutter app, such as `flutter_nav2` and `auto_route`. These packages provide additional features and functionality to help you manage navigation in your app.