How do I create a List Section based on an empty related field in SwiftData?
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How do I create a List Section based on an empty related field in SwiftData?

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As a SwiftData developer, you may have encountered a situation where you need to create a List Section based on an empty related field. This can be a bit tricky, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of creating a List Section based on an empty related field in SwiftData.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solution, let’s first understand the problem. Imagine you have a data model with two entities: `Order` and `OrderItem`. The `Order` entity has a one-to-many relationship with the `OrderItem` entity, meaning one order can have multiple order items. Now, let’s say you want to create a List Section in your app that displays all orders that don’t have any order items (i.e., the related `orderItems` field is empty). This is where things can get a bit tricky.

Why is it tricky?

The challenge lies in the fact that SwiftData doesn’t provide a built-in way to filter records based on an empty related field. However, there are a few workarounds that we can use to achieve this.

Solution 1: Using a Subquery

One way to solve this problem is by using a subquery. A subquery is a query nested inside another query. In this case, we’ll use a subquery to fetch all orders that don’t have any order items.

let orders = try! context.fetch( 
      let subquery = NSFetchRequest<OrderItem>(entityName: "OrderItem")
      subquery.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "order = %@", $0)
      let count = try! context.count(for: subquery)
      return count == 0

In the code above, we create a fetch request for the `Order` entity and use a filtering closure to specify the predicate. Inside the closure, we create a subquery that fetches all `OrderItem` records related to the current `Order` record. We then count the number of records returned by the subquery and filter out any orders that have more than 0 order items.

Solution 2: Using a Join

Another way to solve this problem is by using a join. A join allows us to combine records from two or more entities based on a common attribute. In this case, we’ll use a left outer join to fetch all orders and their related order items.

let orders = try! context.fetch( 
    .join(\.orderItems, predicate: NSPredicate(format: "orderItems.@count = 0"))

In the code above, we create a fetch request for the `Order` entity and use the `join` method to join the `Order` entity with the `OrderItem` entity. We then specify a predicate that filters out any orders that have more than 0 order items.

Solution 3: Using a Fetched Property

The third solution involves using a fetched property. A fetched property is a pre-computed property that can be used to filter records based on a predicate. In this case, we’ll create a fetched property on the `Order` entity that fetches all orders that don’t have any order items.

First, let’s create the fetched property:

@objc Members
class Order: NSManagedObject {
  @NSManaged public var hasOrderItems: Bool

Next, let’s define the fetch request for the fetched property:

let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest<Order>()
fetchRequest.fetchProperty = "hasOrderItems"
fetchRequest.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "hasOrderItems = 0")

Finally, let’s create a computed property on the `Order` entity that returns the fetched property:

var hasOrderItems: Bool {
  return (try? context.fetch(Order.fetchRequest()))?.isEmpty == false

In the code above, we create a computed property `hasOrderItems` that returns a boolean value indicating whether the order has any order items or not. We use the `fetchRequest` method to fetch all orders that don’t have any order items and return the count of the fetched records.


In this article, we’ve covered three ways to create a List Section based on an empty related field in SwiftData. We’ve seen how to use subqueries, joins, and fetched properties to filter records based on an empty related field. Each solution has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of solution depends on the specific requirements of your app.

Remember, when working with SwiftData, it’s essential to understand the underlying data model and the relationships between entities. This will help you to write more efficient and effective code.

Tips and Tricks

  • When using subqueries, make sure to use the correct entity name in the subquery predicate.
  • When using joins, make sure to specify the correct join type (e.g., left outer join, inner join, etc.)
  • When using fetched properties, make sure to define the fetch request correctly and use the correct predicate.
  • Use the `count(for:)` method to count the number of records returned by a fetch request.
  • Use the `isEmpty` property to check if a fetch request returns any records.
Solution Description Advantages Disadvantages
Subquery Uses a subquery to fetch all orders that don’t have any order items. Easy to implement, flexible predicate. Can be slow for large datasets, complex predicate.
Join Uses a join to fetch all orders and their related order items. Faster than subqueries, easy to implement. Requires correct join type, complex join predicate.
Fetched Property Uses a fetched property to fetch all orders that don’t have any order items. Easy to implement, pre-computed property. Requires correct fetch request, complex predicate.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Q: How do I create a List Section based on an empty related field in SwiftData?
    A: You can use one of the three solutions described in this article: subquery, join, or fetched property.
  2. Q: Which solution is the fastest?
    A: The join solution is generally the fastest, as it uses a single fetch request to fetch all orders and their related order items.
  3. Q: Which solution is the most flexible?
    A: The subquery solution is the most flexible, as it allows you to specify a custom predicate for the subquery.


In conclusion, creating a List Section based on an empty related field in SwiftData requires a good understanding of the underlying data model and the relationships between entities. By using one of the three solutions described in this article, you can effectively filter records based on an empty related field. Remember to choose the solution that best fits your app’s requirements, and don’t hesitate to ask if you have any further questions!

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck while creating a List Section based on an empty related field in SwiftData? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back!

Q1: What is the purpose of creating a List Section in SwiftData?

A List Section in SwiftData is used to display a collection of data from a related field. By creating a List Section, you can efficiently showcase related data in a clean and organized manner.

Q2: Why do I need to create a List Section based on an empty related field?

Creating a List Section based on an empty related field allows you to prepare your dataset for future data additions. This way, when new data is added to the related field, it will automatically be displayed in the List Section.

Q3: How do I identify an empty related field in SwiftData?

To identify an empty related field, navigate to your SwiftData schema and look for fields with a ‘0’ or ‘null’ value. These fields are empty and ready to be utilized for creating a List Section.

Q4: What are the benefits of creating a List Section based on an empty related field?

Creating a List Section based on an empty related field provides a flexible and scalable solution for managing related data. It also enables you to anticipate future data growth and make informed decisions based on your dataset.

Q5: How do I create a List Section based on an empty related field in SwiftData?

To create a List Section based on an empty related field, follow these steps: 1) Navigate to your SwiftData schema, 2) Identify the empty related field, 3) Click on the ‘Create List Section’ button, 4) Configure the List Section settings, and 5) Save your changes. VoilĂ ! Your List Section is ready to display related data as it becomes available.

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